How does it work?
Cloud Private Network.
A secure VLAN private interface connected to the cloud provides all the flexibility of the cloud along with the added security of a private network.
Cloud servers.
Flexible, cost-effective cloud servers for any level of computing power: from a single development server to a complex cloud infrastructure.
Cloud load balancer.
A virtual, scalable, high-availability component that balances your network, ensuring maximum performance, speed, and reliability.
Managed cloud.
Allow our experts to manage your cloud infrastructure.
There are numerous reasons to recommend Mining Wallet, and here are some of them: a corporate-level infrastructure and a global network of data centers, exceptionally affordable cloud/VPS solutions, a high degree of flexibility and customization, the elimination of the need to manage hardware (since everything is now in the cloud), and a free trial version worth 10 USDT, allowing users to test everything independently and at no cost.
Security and Terms of Service.
All data that you provide while interacting with our company remains confidential. We take all necessary measures to protect your information and do not disclose it to third parties without your consent.
Terms of ServiceAbout the Company.
Mining Wallet is a small company with a global mission. While nearly every person on the planet has access to a computer, we aim to ensure that everyone has access to cryptocurrency and its benefits. We believe in a future where cryptocurrency can be used to pay for groceries in stores, online purchases, or consultations with a doctor. Each new individual who holds cryptocurrency brings us one step closer to this moment. That’s why Mining Wallet has focused on providing a convenient and user-friendly cloud mining service that is accessible to everyone. Our team comprises cryptocurrency enthusiasts, engineers, and experts from various scientific fields who are dedicated to delivering a service that appeals not only to the established crypto community but also to entirely new users. This is the vision we pursued in creating Mining Wallet. Start investing legally and securely in the leading technology of the decade and earn daily dividends. Join individuals from around the world who have already recognized Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, and who have seen significant profits from their investments. In 2007, Steve Jobs changed the world by making modern technology accessible to everyone. Today, we, at Mining Wallet, aspire to open the conveniences and advantages of cryptocurrency to all.
Legal Information.
The operator of the Mining Wallet service is New SAP Cyprus MW. Registration number: 383858 dated May 26, 2021. Address: Evgeniy Bukatich, office 402, Acropoleos 48, Strovolos, Cyprus.
Do you have any questions?
For any questions you may have, you can contact our support via Telegram.